Male Edge Review – 2nd Generation Penis Enlarger for Men in 2020!

Male Edge

It is not astounding that large penis attracts women!

Men with smaller dicks are not competitive in sex as well as their virility and masculinity are on the stake.

If you take an example of men with big dicks, you may find they are more confident and pleasing to women than guys with micro-penis.

Penis extenders are the types of penis enlargement system that provides a stretching technique to the penile tissues from where they increase in size.

What’s good about penis stretcher is defined under Male Edge Reviews given below.

The penis extender is established by a reputable company which is seriously dedicated to the men who cannot achieve sexual satisfaction due to a smaller penis.

What Is Male Edge Penis Extender

Buy Male Edge Extender

Male Edge is a simple but revolutionary tool which is used to increase penis size.

It belongs from the class of penis extenders from the manufacturer of Jes Extender, one of the highest ranked Dutch penile extender in the market.

The company is known as Danalife Aps, which is in operation since 1995 in the penis enlargement site.

Since many years, physicians and doctors have been using stretching tools on their patients in order to safely enlarge the sex organ.

For a long time, these tools have provided the right effects following the wrong patterns which in many cases cause a penis fracture.

Latest penis pumps are relatively safe and much effective when it comes to increasing penis size from every dimension.

Male Edge is their latest penis extender which works on the basic principles of traction method.

  1. MaleEdge Basic $149.99
  2. MaleEdge Extra $174.99
  3. The MaleEdge Pro $199.99

It is a light-weighted device that is effective for stimulating the penile cell division.

For the first time, Jes Extender came up as a treatment for Peyronie’s disease which comprised micro and bends penis.

Male Edge is manufactured to treat the same disorder, but its additional traction technique leaves a few inches to your penis length and girth.

Male Edge Basic Mechanism – How It Works?

When you apply force on your muscles in the bodybuilding field, you will end up increasing their size and shape.

Also See: Top 3 Semen Enhancers for Bigger Loads

This same case is with the penis stretchers like Male Edge, its basic mechanism runs on traction method which encourages the cellular multiplication in the penis.

Male Edge penis extender results

Continuous traction technique impacts the size of cells and makes them bigger than usual. As a result, the entire penis size will be improved with its other core functions.

Cell division is healthy when it comes to increasing penis size, also it boosts the blood supply to the penis chambers which after getting a sufficient blood supply increase in thickness.

This thickness also carries unlimited endurance, power, and stamina for sexual intercourse.

Who Can Use Male Edge Penis Extender?

Male Edge penis extender is known for increasing penis size, so apparently, it’s for men who have a smaller penis and who want to increase the existing penis length/girth.

Also, men who have bent penis which usually is a sign of Peyronie’s disease can get their dicks straight with this device.

To those who are under 18, they should wait for the natural penis growth. According to some experts, waiting until the age of 20 is more appropriate.

There is no age limit for adults who are above 25, they can use it for several purposes such as increase penis size, optimize sexual performance, improve stamina and deep penetration time, etc.

Male Edge penis extender is to be used for months for the highest outcome delivery. In some weeks, you are going to notice the very first difference.

Male Edge Expected Results

None of the penis extenders gives you 4-5 inches in some weeks, that is totally false.

Male Edge is made by the company which has done a number of studies on the penis enlargement by the traction method.

According to their analysis, the overall size gain from using Male Edge for 6 months would be about 2-3 inches if they keep it persistent.

If you are looking for more results, then you need a year’s commitment. Just like doing exercise does not deliver prompt results!

The more hours you put into this, more will be the results!

For every day if you are going to use Male Edge for at least 20 minutes, within 6 months of the time period you will increase the length of your penis by 28% and 19% increase in the girth size.

Male Edge Benefits

There are no benefits of Male Edge other than improving the sexual health which are:

  • Penis enhancement by 10%
  • Affects length girth of the penis
  • Supports stronger and bigger erections
  • Treats curved or bent penis 100% within a year or less
  • No side effects
  • Improves mental health

How to Use Male Edge Penis Stretcher?

Male Edge comes with a manual of instructions which provides a visual presentation about how to use the device.

There is no need for assembling Male Edge as its already fully assembled.

Also See: 5 Experts Reveal Best Penis Pumps Tracking Tools

At the front part, you will find 2 rods where a ring look-alike is attached, this is where the base of your penis goes.

If you have a large penis it won’t fit, the smaller sized penis can be fixed by strapping rubber strap around.

Once you have fixed it, then the main course begins which is a stretching technique, you can tie it from you and do whatever you feel like.

What Comes with Male Edge Box Pack?

The packaging of Male Edge is the reason it is labeled as the sexiest looking Penis Extender.

In the box, you will find the following things. 

  • The Male Edge Pro (of course)
    • A handy-dandy ruler
    • A travel bag with the brand insignia (so no discretion there)
    • The Official Male Edge Penis Training Program
    • Four spare rubber straps
    • Two protective pads
    • Cohesive gauze
    • An instructional DVD
    • A “My Male Edge” Training Diary
    • Entrée to the Male Edge Online Forum and Community
    • Access to an online instructional video for members only

Personal Experience with Male Edge

If you want a device for a long run, choosing Male Edge can definitely make your dick grow.

The best feature about Male Edge penis extender that it is not addictive at all, I mean how can you be addicted to the machine?

From time to time, the latest models of the Male Edge come which you should consider buying instead of updating the previous one. In this way, you will save a large sum of money and its considerably rewarding.

Male Edge is easy to wear and use, it is easily hidden in the loose clothes and its even dishwashing friendly!

With a maximum of 3 inches’ growth, you will experience a notable amount of sexual stamina and power that your penis is capable of holding.

Male Edge Side Effects

One of the minor side effects of Male Edge is the redness of the skin, it occurs to mainly those men who are not habitual of attaching anything solid to their penis.

The first timers are always the most confusing ones whose body reacts to the penis stretcher differently than others.

This issue is not to be worried about, there are no penile fractures includes which by using the third class penis stretchers usually come by.

Does Circumcision Affect the Results?

We all know circumcised penis has nothing to do with the effects of Male Edge, indeed it is a positive point to have a circumcised penis as it is easier for them to fit in.

Where to Buy Male Edge?

Fake enlargement products are all the way, but you should be wise and go for the official page when it comes to purchasing the classy ones.

Male Edge is one of the effective penis stretchers on the market that has an official website where you can choose the discreet shipping option and claim the money back guarantee if the product doesn’t work.

Buy Male Edge Penis Stretcher

This is why you should only trust the officials when it comes to buying penis extenders.

Final Conclusion

When it comes to penis enlargement, there are multiple options available.

Taking the male enhancement supplements has its own drawbacks because most of the times these drugs are not effective at all!

Male Edge gives you late, but permanent results in the shape of a bigger and thicker penis which you can compare from the old pictures. 

Penis extenders or stretchers are the latest trends for penis enlargement which provides the natural tension force and make your penis grow in size which completely sounds lucid scientifically.

On a scale of 1-10, customers and experts have given Male Edge a solid 9 which is a superior rating for a penis enhancement system.

Xanogen Review – The Applied Science Labs Male Enhancement Pills! [2020]


Male enhancement pills like Xanogen comes with the proprietary blend that may or may not be enough to quench your thirst in bed.

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In recent years, the science of human sexuality has been studied in a particular way that hundreds of new products are available now for longer lasting sex.

These male enhancement pills are not only for delayed sex but for those needy men and women who have low libido.

From libido, it means sex drive a person generates each time he/she sees something sensual or kinky.

What is Xanogen?

Xanogen is the multi-dimensional male enhancement formula that claims to work more than just raising an erection.

It is a complete blend for men who have low testosterone level or those who have been not getting sufficient form of erection.

Xanogen review

The formula of Xanogen is completely natural, but it takes about 24 hours of its onset, unlike some of the best male enhancement pills 2018.

Particularly those who want to sparkle up their sexual life with their women are the prime customers of sex pills.

So what is different about Xanogen and the best male enhancement pills? We will find out it later, first, let’s see who makes Xanogen.

About Xanogen Company

Xanogen is formulated, designed and manufactured by Applied Science Labs which has other products related to sexual health.

It is not their only product, here are some products from Applied Science Labs.

  1. Xanogen Herbal Supplement
  2. Xanogen Oil
  3. Endowmax

 Xanogen is the first success of Applied Science Labs, but does it really work?

How Xanogen Works?

The Xanogen arouses your potential to be a porn star in the bedroom after it increases the blood supply in your penis.

Increase stamina and boost testosterone

The main cause for erectile dysfunction or the failure to erection is the lack of blood supply, improving this blood supply means improving erection duration and quality.

Then comes the part of the testosterone booster, testosterone is a very important hormone for males that also shape their sexual performance and confidence level.

According to the manufacturer, users will get a 28% enhancement in erection quality and overall increased sexual performance as a result.

Xanogen Ingredients list

The ingredients utilized in the Xanogen formula are herbal, the majority of ingredients can be seen in the top male enhancement supplements like Male Extra or VigRX.

ingredients of Xanogen

Let’s see the ingredient and what they can actually do.

  • Maca Root

The supplementation for many bodybuilders around the world, Maca Root was once used as a medicine for treating women’s menstrual cycle, anemia, erectile dysfunction, and muscle fatigue. The basic purpose of Maca Root is to take your performance level to the whole next level. The other effects of Maca Root included increased libido and fertility which leads to never forgotten times.

  • Horny Goat Weed

Herbally is known as Epimedium Sagittatum, the extract of this plant is used to increase physical and sexual performance which also gives you control over the erection and ejaculation.

  • L-Arginine

Natural amino acid that is responsible for building nitric oxide in your system that further improves the blood flow around the penile region. L-Arginine is used in many clinical conditions such as heart failure, hypertension, chest pain, and dementia. The amino acid takes care of your erection and cognitive functions.

  • Yohimbe Bark

It is a  treatment for depressed men who haven’t had sex in a long time. By curing the depressed state of mind it will also increase the amount of blood traveling through the brain and penis.

  • Tribulus Terrestris

This finest herb is something that hundreds of supplements are used in their formula. Its mechanism is actually to increase the production of testosterone in males, which battle against ED and enlarged prostate. Tribulus Terrestris allows the free testosterone to work more than the bound ones which are inactive form.

There is a reason why Xanogen has all these ingredients but still is not demanded by the customers that much. The real reason is the quantity of the ingredients that have been utilized in the formula in a very lesser number. In comparison with best sex pills, Xanogen allows the user to take only a few of the traces of ingredients where it should be available in clinically sane dosage.

Xanogen Side Effects – Are There Any?

We cannot trust what the company says about its products unless we use it by ourselves.

It is tried by a number of people and none o they have so far complained about the nasty side effects.

First of all, Xanogen is not a synthetic male enhancement formula that has steroids in it.

Yes, it may cause you gastric problems and nausea ONLY IF you overdose it.

Other than that, there is no chance you are going to experience adverse events with this formula.

Also, if you are taking Xanogen with food, this practice should be immediately stopped.

How to Take Xanogen? Xanogen Dosage

Note, Xanogen can only be used by adult men whose normal dosage is 2 capsules each day.

The company advises to take Xanogen 5 hours before going to bed, this means users have to take it 5 hours before starting sexual intercourse?

A lot of customers are puzzling themselves over this little query which can be rectified if the company has instructed it pretty well.

No milk or other liquids, just a glass of plain water is what you should take Xanogen with.

Xanogen Customer Reviews

Reviews from Customers about Xanogen cannot be found in plenty of numbers.

However, there are some users on Amazon and another site who aggregately gave it 2.5 ratings out of 5 stars.

For a male enhancement supplement, this much rating is not very helpful when it comes to having leverage in bed.

This can also mean that Xanogen did not stand on its claims made by the company.

Where to Buy Xanogen?

Usually, the credible male enhancement products can only be found from the official site, but that’s not the case with Xanogen.

You can find it Amazon and other supplement websites which raise some doubt about the product.

As you can see, purchasing best male enhancement pills from sources other than the official ones are usually appearing to be counterfeit which users must not buy at any cost.

The thing about counterfeit male enhancement products is they are dangerous to use, very much non-effective and of course, you are going to waste a lot of money for that.

Is Xanogen A Scam?

Much of the facts are leaning towards the fact that Xanogen is indeed a fake or scam pills that are made from some unknown group of people with no clinical testing evidence.

But then again, some users chose to use Xanogen and found it mildly effective which says a lot about this product is a mediocre male enhancement pill.

There are reasons why men around the world are choosing top brands that don’t waste your money like these pathetic and failed attempts.

What’s More Effective than Xanogen?

The top rated male enhancement pills of 2018-2019, and which can also replace Xanogen with ease is Male Extra.

Male Extra has been in the sexual health market for a decade and during this period, it has treated about 350,000 men in the US only.

Male Extra

Like Xanogen, Male Extra is targeting ambitious men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, in short, men with any kind of sexual disorder.

Buy Male Extra

This supplement is made from a highly reputable supplement industry that has over 2 decades of experience in men’s health.

Customer ratings and expert’s feedbacks about Male Extra are just too good, but what we are most concerned about is the ingredients.

Let’s compare ingredients between Male Extra and Xanogen.

In Male Extra you will find

  • Pomegranate Extract
  • L-Arginine
  • MSM
  • L-Methionine
  • Zinc
  • Cordyceps
  • Niacin

Note, these ingredients are available in their max quantity that only requires half an hour to execute the mechanism.

In Xanogen, the ingredients mentioned above takes about 4-5 hours for the effect to occur.

Final Verdict – Should Xanogen Be Your Supplement of Choice?

If you are serious about your erection problems and SATISFYING YOUR PARTNER, then using Xanogen is almost useless.

Men’s body requires immediate effects when it comes to achieving a boner and performs something steamy.

You cannot get immediate results from Xanogen and not so much data available about this product.

In our opinion, Male Extra is the best male enhancement pills designed for men who are in desperate needs and of course those men who are at a verge of breaking their relations.

Inability in sex causes thousands of divorce and breakups worldwide in a year which majorly includes men with a sexual disability.

This failure to satisfy women is something that has been answered for a long time, you are late when you see this page talking about the best male enhancement pill on the market which you should buy at any cost, ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT NOT LOSING HER!

Progentra Reviews – The World’s Best Male Performance Supplement! [2020]


Progentra is made by the BioLabs which has also a record of making 10 other male enhancement supplements.

There are plenty of male enhancement pills and every pill almost works the same, except they don’t deliver the utmost desired outcome.

We cannot negate the fact about men’s sexual health that no matter how intense our performance would be in bed it will be always unsatisfactory for women.

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Women demand power, the power that stays alive upon each shot of the penetration.

The size of your penis matters as well since you want to go down deeper and shake her feet.

Sex is a complicated thing yet it is very simple to understand, the key to staying longer in bed lies in the balance of your physical and mental health.

There are more than 10 awards winning male enhancement pills in our list, but today we are going to discuss a newly introduced product that has shaken so many customers above their ground.

It is the Progentra male enhancement pills from BioLabs.

What is Progentra?

Don't buy Progentra before you read this review

Progentra is a male enhancement as well as penis enlargement supplement which is being tried by many men around the world.

The supplement is designed for those men who cannot satisfy their partner sexually and whose body systems are devoid of proper sex enhancing nutrients.

The formula inside Progentra claims to increase your core confidence level which allows you to pick up women easily and satisfy all of their sexual needs.

With maximum confidence, your penis size will also be maximized which about 90% of women demands of men and men with a smaller penis are always laid behind.

Also, men who can achieve an erection but cannot sustain it for a longer time period can also use Progentra for its erection boosting effects.

About Progentra Manufacturer

The company is currently approved by the FDA, but we are not sure if Progentra is approved the same way.

The makers are legit and they have a toll free number where customer care staff is available.

How Progentra Works?

Progentra best male enhancement pills
Male Enhancement Pills

To know how progentra actually works, we need to learn about its ingredients and their effects on the human body.

About 11 kinds of herbal ingredients are present in the formula of Progentra which mainly increase the blood supply by opening the blood vessels in your penile region.

For maximum penis growth, it is necessary to give it proper blood supply which revives the size and structure of penile tissues.

Upon continuous and vigorous blood supply the size of the penis grows which you can notice at a time of erection. 

Men who very rarely get sexual feelings contain PDE-5 enzyme in their systems.

Progentra provides a dose of ingredients which efficiently blocks this enzyme and promote sexual feelings more than often. PDE-5 inhibitors act as sex enhancing compounds which increase the size and power in each erection.

Next mechanism is to supercharge the penile cells and fill them with neverending stamina. This is important for males who get quick ejaculations upon a short time.

This will end the agonizing short interval sexual encounters and turn them into longer sessions. Your ability to perform foreplay will rise and it will surprise your partner to her cores.

Progentra Ingredients

Progentra is the most advanced researched male enhancement supplement that contain various types of erectogenic and sexual enhancing herbs for a male.

Progentra Ingredients
Ingredients of Progentra Male Enhancement Pills

These are:

1) Horny Goat Weed

A Chinese libido booster which engages men and women in sexual encounters, although they weren’t in a mood before. Its natural aphrodisiac property makes it the most beneficial ingredient in many male enhancement pills.

2) Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali boosts the level of testosterone, which gives you longer and stronger erection during sex. Your sperm generating process will be stimulated which will allow you to perform in bed with more intensity.

3) L-Arginine

L-Arginine is a protein-based ingredient which has over 100 of clinical papers showing that it increases the production of nitric oxide, a compound that increases your penis twice the size and gives you never-ending performance.

4) Tribulus Terrestris

When your testosterone pool is getting leaked or somehow converted into estrogen, the natural mode of Tribulus comes in the way. It is the most powerful herb for testosterone production, which doesn’t allow the testosterone to be converted into estrogens. More testosterone means more sexual feelings and power.

5) Damiana Leaf Extract

Damiana is a cognitive enhancer which turns you into a smarter person. Women always prefer smarter men to be in their bed, any wrong move and you are getting your dick sucked. The mind elating effects of Damiana increases your cognitive abilities to stay sharp, confidence sexually fascinating.

6) Maca

It is known to boost the process of spermatogenesis, especially in those men whose fertility are at the highest risk. Maca boosts your physical stamina and gives your sex drive a new turn which is more zealous and intense.

7) Butea Superba

Cultivated mainly in Thailand, the herb contains some remarkable sex boosting effect which turns men into much wilder. The plant as a whole serves as an aphrodisiac while its essence is used to encourage the growth of penile cells.

8) Muira Puama

Prolong the erection duration during sex, Muira Puama is given to those men whose erection timings are very short. It works by increasing testosterone along with gonadotropins which runs your sexual nature.

9) Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa

When it’s about more mental than physical, Xanthoparmelia is the herb of choice. It signals the brain to feel more sexual which allows the user to experience tantalizing sexual encounters and thereby amplifies the level of joy 5 times than usual.

Progentra Customer Reviews

Below are some reviews generated by real-time users who tried Progentra for the very first time.

Deep down I knew my days of having sex joy are over, but then I tried Progentra. Not to mention I’ve started dating 40 years old women who love to have so many sexual encounters.

I haven’t noticed the effects like an enlarged penis but my sex drive is like a 25-year-old boy. Man o Man! This is outrageously mysterious and pleasure at the same time. My mental health is improved which is maybe because of having sex after so many years. For this, I sincerely thank Progentra.

Christopher Kater

This male enhancement drug is one in million! The size of my dick has increased from 4 to 6 inches in a 3-month course and that’s INCREDIBLE.

Each moment now I spend with my wife in bed becomes more intense which she loves by the way.

To all the stalkers of counterfeit male enhancement pills, I must say stop wasting your time and join the league of the big boys!

David Walken

My girl always preferred less boring sex which is basically playing different role plays. For a guy whose erection duration is very less it is really hard to improvise and role play because you are very much likely to lose it. Trying progentra was my girl’s decision and I adore her for this.

I ain’t-a boring person in bed as I used to be, the devilishly sexual skills are in me now with an enlarged penis girth, can you believe it?

I admit the effects would take some time at very first but do not lose the patience.


Charles Reese

Progentra Dosage

The daily recommended dose for Progentra is 2 capsules daily. You can either take it before having sexual intercourse or take 2 pills in the morning.

The time duration for Progentra course is 3-6 months, after which you will see the desired outcomes which are

  • Enlarged penis
  • Improved libido
  • Mental agility
  • Heightened confidence
  • Remarkable sexual intimacy

The maximum dose you can go with is 3 capsules per day, but that is only advised when you are not getting outcomes with 2 capsules after running a 2-week course.

Where to Buy Progentra Online?

Do not trust every source which is claiming to contain Progentra in their online stores, the official and genuine quality product can only be purchased from the official site of Progentra which you can visit by clicking here.

Buy Progentra Online
Buy Progentra

The online site of Progentra has some discount offers available which you can avail before ordering.

Final Verdict – Does Progentra Really Works?

The formula, ingredients and most importantly, customer reviews of Progentra tell us the same thing.

That it is by far the best male enhancement pills and the best Christmas gift you can get for your girl.

However, they do not promise the immediate penis enlarging effects, but you will get most of it.

Speaking about an unlimited supply of stamina during sexual intercourse, more semen volume and deep penetrating skills, Progentra can do it all with a course of minimum 2 weeks time period.

Men’s with low libido cannot satisfy their partners to which the early precautionary measures must be taken BEFORE someone else does it.