Xanogen Review – The Applied Science Labs Male Enhancement Pills! [2020]

Male enhancement pills like Xanogen comes with the proprietary blend that may or may not be enough to quench your thirst in bed.

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In recent years, the science of human sexuality has been studied in a particular way that hundreds of new products are available now for longer lasting sex.

These male enhancement pills are not only for delayed sex but for those needy men and women who have low libido.

From libido, it means sex drive a person generates each time he/she sees something sensual or kinky.

What is Xanogen?

Xanogen is the multi-dimensional male enhancement formula that claims to work more than just raising an erection.

It is a complete blend for men who have low testosterone level or those who have been not getting sufficient form of erection.

Xanogen review

The formula of Xanogen is completely natural, but it takes about 24 hours of its onset, unlike some of the best male enhancement pills 2018.

Particularly those who want to sparkle up their sexual life with their women are the prime customers of sex pills.

So what is different about Xanogen and the best male enhancement pills? We will find out it later, first, let’s see who makes Xanogen.

About Xanogen Company

Xanogen is formulated, designed and manufactured by Applied Science Labs which has other products related to sexual health.

It is not their only product, here are some products from Applied Science Labs.

  1. Xanogen Herbal Supplement
  2. Xanogen Oil
  3. Endowmax

 Xanogen is the first success of Applied Science Labs, but does it really work?

How Xanogen Works?

The Xanogen arouses your potential to be a porn star in the bedroom after it increases the blood supply in your penis.

Increase stamina and boost testosterone

The main cause for erectile dysfunction or the failure to erection is the lack of blood supply, improving this blood supply means improving erection duration and quality.

Then comes the part of the testosterone booster, testosterone is a very important hormone for males that also shape their sexual performance and confidence level.

According to the manufacturer, users will get a 28% enhancement in erection quality and overall increased sexual performance as a result.

Xanogen Ingredients list

The ingredients utilized in the Xanogen formula are herbal, the majority of ingredients can be seen in the top male enhancement supplements like Male Extra or VigRX.

ingredients of Xanogen

Let’s see the ingredient and what they can actually do.

  • Maca Root

The supplementation for many bodybuilders around the world, Maca Root was once used as a medicine for treating women’s menstrual cycle, anemia, erectile dysfunction, and muscle fatigue. The basic purpose of Maca Root is to take your performance level to the whole next level. The other effects of Maca Root included increased libido and fertility which leads to never forgotten times.

  • Horny Goat Weed

Herbally is known as Epimedium Sagittatum, the extract of this plant is used to increase physical and sexual performance which also gives you control over the erection and ejaculation.

  • L-Arginine

Natural amino acid that is responsible for building nitric oxide in your system that further improves the blood flow around the penile region. L-Arginine is used in many clinical conditions such as heart failure, hypertension, chest pain, and dementia. The amino acid takes care of your erection and cognitive functions.

  • Yohimbe Bark

It is a  treatment for depressed men who haven’t had sex in a long time. By curing the depressed state of mind it will also increase the amount of blood traveling through the brain and penis.

  • Tribulus Terrestris

This finest herb is something that hundreds of supplements are used in their formula. Its mechanism is actually to increase the production of testosterone in males, which battle against ED and enlarged prostate. Tribulus Terrestris allows the free testosterone to work more than the bound ones which are inactive form.

There is a reason why Xanogen has all these ingredients but still is not demanded by the customers that much. The real reason is the quantity of the ingredients that have been utilized in the formula in a very lesser number. In comparison with best sex pills, Xanogen allows the user to take only a few of the traces of ingredients where it should be available in clinically sane dosage.

Xanogen Side Effects – Are There Any?

We cannot trust what the company says about its products unless we use it by ourselves.

It is tried by a number of people and none o they have so far complained about the nasty side effects.

First of all, Xanogen is not a synthetic male enhancement formula that has steroids in it.

Yes, it may cause you gastric problems and nausea ONLY IF you overdose it.

Other than that, there is no chance you are going to experience adverse events with this formula.

Also, if you are taking Xanogen with food, this practice should be immediately stopped.

How to Take Xanogen? Xanogen Dosage

Note, Xanogen can only be used by adult men whose normal dosage is 2 capsules each day.

The company advises to take Xanogen 5 hours before going to bed, this means users have to take it 5 hours before starting sexual intercourse?

A lot of customers are puzzling themselves over this little query which can be rectified if the company has instructed it pretty well.

No milk or other liquids, just a glass of plain water is what you should take Xanogen with.

Xanogen Customer Reviews

Reviews from Customers about Xanogen cannot be found in plenty of numbers.

However, there are some users on Amazon and another site who aggregately gave it 2.5 ratings out of 5 stars.

For a male enhancement supplement, this much rating is not very helpful when it comes to having leverage in bed.

This can also mean that Xanogen did not stand on its claims made by the company.

Where to Buy Xanogen?

Usually, the credible male enhancement products can only be found from the official site, but that’s not the case with Xanogen.

You can find it Amazon and other supplement websites which raise some doubt about the product.

As you can see, purchasing best male enhancement pills from sources other than the official ones are usually appearing to be counterfeit which users must not buy at any cost.

The thing about counterfeit male enhancement products is they are dangerous to use, very much non-effective and of course, you are going to waste a lot of money for that.

Is Xanogen A Scam?

Much of the facts are leaning towards the fact that Xanogen is indeed a fake or scam pills that are made from some unknown group of people with no clinical testing evidence.

But then again, some users chose to use Xanogen and found it mildly effective which says a lot about this product is a mediocre male enhancement pill.

There are reasons why men around the world are choosing top brands that don’t waste your money like these pathetic and failed attempts.

What’s More Effective than Xanogen?

The top rated male enhancement pills of 2018-2019, and which can also replace Xanogen with ease is Male Extra.

Male Extra has been in the sexual health market for a decade and during this period, it has treated about 350,000 men in the US only.

Male Extra

Like Xanogen, Male Extra is targeting ambitious men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, in short, men with any kind of sexual disorder.

Buy Male Extra

This supplement is made from a highly reputable supplement industry that has over 2 decades of experience in men’s health.

Customer ratings and expert’s feedbacks about Male Extra are just too good, but what we are most concerned about is the ingredients.

Let’s compare ingredients between Male Extra and Xanogen.

In Male Extra you will find

  • Pomegranate Extract
  • L-Arginine
  • MSM
  • L-Methionine
  • Zinc
  • Cordyceps
  • Niacin

Note, these ingredients are available in their max quantity that only requires half an hour to execute the mechanism.

In Xanogen, the ingredients mentioned above takes about 4-5 hours for the effect to occur.

Final Verdict – Should Xanogen Be Your Supplement of Choice?

If you are serious about your erection problems and SATISFYING YOUR PARTNER, then using Xanogen is almost useless.

Men’s body requires immediate effects when it comes to achieving a boner and performs something steamy.

You cannot get immediate results from Xanogen and not so much data available about this product.

In our opinion, Male Extra is the best male enhancement pills designed for men who are in desperate needs and of course those men who are at a verge of breaking their relations.

Inability in sex causes thousands of divorce and breakups worldwide in a year which majorly includes men with a sexual disability.

This failure to satisfy women is something that has been answered for a long time, you are late when you see this page talking about the best male enhancement pill on the market which you should buy at any cost, ONLY IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT NOT LOSING HER!